Friday, January 27, 2012

Illuminated Manuscripts

During the Middle Ages, all books were written by hand and served to glorify religion.  Each page was beautifully designed, especially the first letter of the page.  Some pages contained “illuminated” details painted in real gold.  These books are known as illuminated manuscripts.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Monty Python's Peasants

Medieval Peasants

Typical thatched roof home of the peasants
The Peasant Wedding, by Flemish painter Pieter Brueghe

Monty Python's Knights Who Say "Ni!"

Monty Python's Black Knight

Medieval Knights

  • Mounted soliders
  • Expected to be loyal to church and their Lord
  • Followed a code of chivalry 
  • Sometimes employed by the King in times of war

Medieval Nobles

  • Managed and defended the manor house and the fief
  • Acted as judges to their villagers
  • Paid taxes to the king
  • Supplied the king with knights in a time of war

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Medieval Monarchs

  • At the very top of feudal society were the monarchs, or kings and queens.  
  • They believed in the Divine Right of Kings, the idea that God had given them the right to rule.  
  • They were responsible for keeping order and providing protection for the entire kingdom.  
For more information click the following links...
Medieval Kings
Medieval Kings & Queens
Medieval Kings Clothing

Medieval Castles

Bodiam Castle, built in the 14th century in Sussex, England
inside the castle
This YouTube video contains scenes from The Lion in Winter.
When I was in college one of my history professors had us watch this to get a visual of Medieval Life.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Medieval Europe

Standard 7.6
Students will analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the civilizations of  Medieval Europe.

analyze: read about, think, about, talk about, write about...
geographic: Europe
political structure: feudalism
economic structure: feudalism
religious: Roman Catholic Church
social structure: feudalism
Medieval Europe: 476 C.E. - 1450 C.E.

Essential Question
how are the people and events of Medieval Europe reflected in modern day society?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Martin Luther King Jr.

1963 Newsreel Covering 'The March On Washington'

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Zheng He

Zheng He, the commander of China's Great Armada
His Ship
His Voyages 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Heads Up...

The semester ends on January 27!!!

  • We will have our 2nd workbook check on Monday, January 16th.  You will be responsible for all the work book pages we have completed since the first workbook check.  Those pages are clearly listed here on the blog.
  • We will have one more benchmark sometime during the week of Monday, January 16th.
  • Finally, any and all late or missing assignments must be turned in NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25th!!!
  • If your are curious about your current grade please see me before school, at nutrition, at lunch, or after school.  DO NOT ASK ME DURING CLASS TIME!!!